
Common Questions

Do you ship worldwide?


Shipping has unfortunately become more expensive but I do ship worldwide!

How much does shipping cost?

Depending on your location it varies. I mostly see shipping rates between $4-$6 for orders within the continental US.

How long will it take to get my package?

I ship orders as soon as possible, but at the latest 7 days from when I receive the order.

Unfortunately once I send it, it may or may not be delayed due to the shipping carrier which I have no control over.

What if my item breaks?

Depending on the damage, I can try to fix it using the Jewelry Repair Request in my linktr.ee found in my Contact Page!

Can I return an item?

As long as it is within 14 days of you receiving the item, yes! I do charge a flat rate of $5 for shipping and restocking though.

Can I commission custom jewelry?


I do work with what beads and materials I get secondhand but we can definitely work together to make your idea become reality!

Is your jewelry really sustainable?


All of my materials are secondhand and diverted from being added to our landfills. This does not apply to the fishing line I use in some of my jewelry which is found on my beach clean ups on my local Ventura, CA beaches. Fishing materials are one of the main polluters of our oceans, so this is one way of reusing materials to keep them out of the ocean AND landfill!

Have another question? Let me know!