Alissa stands on a porch with green plants hanging from the window behind them. They have brown hair tied back are wearing a brown floor length skirt, a white top, and dark brown belt. They are holding their skirt out to the sides.

2024 Blog Goals: A Little Background

Hello friends, new and old!

With the new year here, I want to start on one of my new year’s goals: blogging more! I want to help people who are interested in getting into jewelry, sustainability, art, oddities, and whatever else you may want to know more about. So as a first blog post of the year, I want to introduce myself!

Hi, I’m Alissa and I am The Eco Jeweler (formerly AlissaBrynDesign). I am the jeweler, product photographer, social media manager, financial advisor, shipping department, you name it! I am an agender person who uses any pronouns! I am a Southern California born and raised artist of many medias. As of 2023 I am a first time parent/mama, and a cat mama of 5 years. I am obsessed with plants (our patio is a jungle at this point), animals of all shapes and sizes, coffee/tea, everything nature, sustainable living as a popt person renting in a small-ish town, oddities, dyeing my hair all colors, tattoos, the ocean/beach, homemade food, and all 2000s emo music. 


I adore making art of all kinds but jewelry is my favorite. I am very proud of my work and it takes a lot of trial and error, but it is worth it to see my one of a kind jewelry go to their new homes, rather than be thrown away into our every growing landfills. 

So that’s a bit about me! I hope to blog a lot more throughout this year and would love recommendations of things you’d like to learn about!

Thank you for reading and until next time,


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