Pop Up Markets: Are they worth it?

Pop Up Markets: Are they worth it?

Iā€™ve been selling online since 2020 and only in 2022 did I start selling at pop up markets. I was invited to one my friend was putting on for free and I figured why not?

It was amazing! I made so much money and met so many new people; I couldnā€™t have asked for more! I was so surprised I hadnā€™t stared doing these earlier. As 2022 turned into 2023 I was going to multiple markets a month, some back to back. I have experienced the best and worst markets, learned so much, and want to share my thoughts and experiences with you so you can best decide what is best for you!

1. I have found that the major player in success of a pop up market event is the host. If the host is experienced, they will advertise, make sure people are spaced out and arenā€™t selling next to someone with like items, prep everyone ahead of time of what parking/load in/load out situations are, and are experienced with the physical location of the event.

2. Advertising is a little complicated. Make sure the event host is willing to do some advertising work on their end and not just expecting you to bring the customers in. If they are, they should make that known and you can decide whether itā€™s one you want to participate in. I have found best success at ones where both vendors and host post and spread the word.

3. Money is always a factor in choosing to do a live event and I will say, it really is hard to predict a really good event vs an ok one, but the point above make a major difference. Also, keep in mind the total cost: travel time, gas, set up, set up supplies, time there, etc. Sometimes the cost of a market is not worth the money price if it is far away and in a location where your items may not sell as well.

4.Ā Keep in mind the area and who your target market would be: are people in this area looking to buy fine art or stickers? This way you can have the best success.Ā 

Each market is different: in host, location, weather, customers, you name it! It is important to be flexible and prepared for anything.Ā 

Personally I am a big fan of markets but research is key! Have fun and good luck!



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